Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The adventure started at 6:27 a.m. Let’s back up. I had to go out for Carnival the night before departure and I had a great time at Gran Hook. Anyway, after hanging out with the Minnie Mice and Tetras pieces (I was dressed up as a pirate), I went home at 3:30 and had my alarm set for 5:45. I didn’t hear it, but opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. 6:27. We were planned to depart at 6:30 and with a 20 minute walk ahead of me I bolted out of bed, thought it would be a good idea to brush my teeth and I was off: running. I thought I would be able to catch another bus if I didn’t make this one, but then I realized I didn’t even know our first destination.

I got to the bus station at 6:38 and immediately called Tito. There happened to be other stragglers, so the bus waited and I got on receiving high fives and maybe a slow clap…I honestly don’t remember; I immediately fell into a seat and conked out for the next few hours.

I want to say I realized I forgot my camera the moment I left my house, but there was obviously no time to go back. I realized I wasn’t wearing a belt during my run. It wasn’t until later in the day I discovered that I didn’t have my keys to get back into my house. Bummed, yes. A little relieved that I didn’t have to take pictures and let other people capture the memory so I could enjoy the moment, maybe.

The first 2 days were spent in Granada, then 2 in Seville, and then Sunday we stopped in Cordoba to see the Gran Mezquita. We saw the Alhambra in Granada, got our first taste of the gypsies, they aren’t as aggressive as I would have hoped; I wanted a challenge. In Seville, we saw an amazing Flamenco dance/ makes me want to learn some flamenco licks on the guitar; definitely some hidden treasures in Seville if you can find them. The Muslims built the city into a twisted maze to confuse their enemies if they were ever attacked. We got ourselves lost several times even with the map. Overall, lot of cool site seeing- although a lot of it is starting to seem the same. It sounds kinda sad to say after seeing the 2 most precious places in Spain; I think sleep is more vital than most people think.

Okay, so I got into my house, and recharged my batteries. Back to school work and it’s harder remembering that everyone else is on spring break right now. Enjoy the time off and the snow suckers! (the weather has come back down to the 40s/50s here...putting my scarf to work)


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