Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Italy pt. 1

Where to begin. Well, I didn't die in an earthquake just outside of Rome: I was still in the Madrid airport at this time, but my friend who already made it to Rome curiously thought the guy above her bed (bunkbeds in a hostel) was akwardly creaking a bit too much for 3 in the morning.

Adam and I arrived in Rome on Monday morning, got the Rome pass, and like any traveler, really had no idea where we were going. After a few buses, a train, and a shuttle we made it to our precious Camp Tiber for 11 euros a night. What a steal right?! If you gandered the website, you would be thrilled. Believing self promotion is an obvious rookie mistake for world class travelers. I think I've displayed enough creative negativity on Mama Bear so I'll save my rant, but I'd like to mention they promised a sparkling pool and pool tables (a fabrication). Here's what we got. They said it wouldn't be open until May (not mentioned on the website).

Better yet, Adam had an arm width of our stank room. It wasn't stinky, rather it had a heavy musk smell like a cave, something you shouldn't breath in.

Alright, so at least they had internet access and we could cancel the nights we had when we came back to Rome. We ended up booking a hotel with a central location in Rome (close to a metro stop), so it was worth the extra 30 euro a night.

The whole city is amazing because on any square block you'll find some kind of fountain or plaza that dates back 2000 years. My favorites from Rome include the Coloseum, Trevi Fountain, Campo di Fiori (plaza), the Patheon, and the Vatican (and the gelati shop next to the Vatican for 2 euro). We also took a pub crawl from the Spanish steps on tuesday...sadly, any deal that comes with a t-shirt sells better than sex.
The Vatican was incredible. We were offered a 40 euro tour for students and then 35. Thanks to Glady's advice to avoid tours in general we saw the Catacombs and St. Peter's square for free and only payed 8 euro to get into the Vatican Museum (with the Sistine Chapel). If Spain has cathedrals, Rome has statues! I guess there are over 2000 rooms in the Vatican and we saw a lot of them. Well, I'm gonna make this part 1 because I'm going to get a tapa. Happy Easter!


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