Thursday, April 16, 2009

Italy pt. 2

Sorry for the delay on this post. We have been suffering without internet at the school for 2 days…we don’t know what to do with ourselves. I’m sending this from a wifi bar. We were blessed with no rain in Italy, but we’ve had rain since I got back to Spain and I think it’s here to stay.

Anyway, ‘when in Rome do as Romans do’ and since all roads lead to Rome we figured we better explore Italy…why not go to the two most romantic cities without your girlfriend. Right?! We decided on Florence because we found a fair priced hotel with a central location with a sweetheart old lady hostess that helped us with the must sees. From that night on, I dubbed the trip with the theme “It’s a small world after all.” I ran into Caitlin Whaley (from grade school and high school, actually her aunt was my mom’s best friend and was there at my birth) and we spend some time with her. She even helped us discover the secret bakeries (actually she pointed them out on a map, but a random Leo on our way there was nice enough to end his phone call to walk us there…it was that important). The next day upon entering the long line for the art gallery, I ran into Megan Gode (Cortney’s good friend) who I thought was in Venice for the week. The morning of departure I saw Ryan Willwershid in passing. 3 coincidences…maybe I need an existential detective (I recommend seeing I Heart Huckabees). Anyway, the highlights of Florence were the art galleries with famous paintings like “The Birth of Venus,” “Spring,” and in the other gallery Michelangelo’s “David.” I got my host family a souvenir statue because a perfectly sculpted body of David seemed like the right memento to remember me. Other highlights included the view of the city, the river (and the famous bridge, very Epcot-esk), and Hemmingway’s (overpriced small portioned flourless chocolate cake…this was like the prime rib of cacao).

On Friday we made it to Venice. Again I was reminded of the Disney theme…my memories of the gondolas at Disney world and the bridges were a spot on recreation of what we saw. There wasn’t a whole lot to do in Venice, but it was fun taking the water taxis and seeing the city. Venice gets the Best Sandwich award: on fresh bread (hint of an herb like thyme or fennel seed), melted cheese (not your standard Cheddar or Swiss, but something heavenly), prochutto (or some kind of thinly sliced delicacy), and some foreign greenery (much prettier than iceberg lettuce). For 3.50 euro, it was almost filling, but nicely complimented with a giant pizza slice. Together they were still less than every sit-down restaurant.

Saturday afternoon we came back to Rome and we talked with a guy on the train. We could understand most of his Italian because it was so close to Spanish and he taught us some useful/fun phrases. I’ve learned that the people you meet are almost more memorable and entertaining than some of the attractions. While traveling, it really is an adventure not always knowing where you’re going, asking for directions. It’s like the amazing race, but instead of competing against others, you’re racing the clock to see as much culture as possible in a week.
So we got to Rome, ate at a terrible restaurant and learned to always ask if there is a service charge, and went to bed early so we could get up to attend Easter Mass at the Vatican. We got there at 6:25, gates didn’t open until 8:30 and mass didn’t start until 10:15 but it was worth getting a 10th row seat from the front! We also didn’t fancy the idea we’d be seeing the pope! The Vatican square was packed and it was cool so many nations represented with their flags.

I know I'm missing a me if you have questions or leave comments!


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